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Product Certification

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NOM certification

Mexico releases new energy consumption product registration catalog


The NOM (Normas Oficiales Mexicanas) mark is a mandatory safety mark in Mexico, applicable to electrical products, gas appliances, wires and cables, and electronic and communication products.

The following products must bear the Mexican safety mark:

1. Electronic or electrical products for home, office, and factory use;

2. Computer LAN devices;

3. Lighting fixtures;

4. Tires, toys, and school supplies;

5. Medical equipment;

6. Wired and wireless telecommunications products, such as wired telephones, wireless telephones, etc;

7. Products driven by electricity, propane, natural gas, or batteries must undergo testing in Mexico before entering the country.

Scope of testing standards

NOM-001-SCFI-1993. (IEC 60065)

NOM-016-SCFI-1993. (IEC 60950)

NOM-019-SCFI-1998. (IEC 60950)

NMX-J-521/1-ANCE-2005, (IEC 60335-1)

Due to the continuous improvement of product regulations in Mexico, exporters should try to clarify with local importers before exporting.

The Mexican National Standard (NOM) stipulates that imported products must pass testing before they can be sold in the market. Although the North American Free Trade Agreement officially came into effect on January 1, 1994, and the Mexican National Electronics Standardization and Certification Association collaborated with UL and the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) to publish the North American Harmonized Standard, Mexico only recognizes its own NOM safety mark, and safety marks from the United States and Canada (such as CUL, ETL, CSA) are not recognized by the government of that country. The product testing visa must be issued by Mexico's Deccion General Formas (DGN) or other recognized independent visa agencies. The product must have this visa approval before entering the country.


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