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EU hand washing detergent eco label (2011/382/EU)

On June 29, 2011, the European Union issued Commission Resolution 2011/382/EU, revising the authorization regulations for the use of eco labels for hand washing detergents. According to the Ecological Labeling Framework Directive (EC) No 66/2010, the term "hand washing detergent" in this resolution applies to all detergents used for hand washing dishes, utensils, pots, pans, and other kitchen utensils, which can be used for daily or professional purposes. The product should be a mixture of chemical substances and must not contain microorganisms intentionally added by the manufacturer. The code number of hand washing detergent is "019", and its ecological requirements include aquatic biological toxicity, biodegradability of surfactants, substances that should not be contained or restricted, essence, corrosion performance, packaging, reasonable use, instructions for use and information displayed on the ecological label. The specific contents are as follows:

1. Toxicity to aquatic organisms: critical dilution volume

The critical dilution volume (CDV) of hand washing detergent products should be calculated based on the recommended dosage by the manufacturer, and the critical dilution volume should not exceed 3800L/L.


2. Biodegradability of surfactants

1) Aerobic biodegradation

All surfactants used in hand wash detergent products should be capable of aerobic biodegradation.

2) Anaerobic biodegradation

For surfactants that do not belong to the H400/R50 class of harmful substances, their use in hand washing detergents should be strictly limited when they cannot biodegrade under anaerobic conditions. The anaerobic biodegradation content of surfactants in detergent products should not exceed 0.2g/L.


3. Substances that should not be contained or restricted

The following requirements 1), 2), and 3) apply to substances with a content exceeding 0.01% in hand wash detergent products.

1) Specific substances that are not allowed to be used

The following substances must not be used in detergents (whether as part of the formula or as a mixture in the formula): alkylphenol polyoxyethylene ether and its derivatives, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and its salts, 5-bromo-5-nitro-1,3-dioxane, 2-bromo-2-nitro-1,3-diol, formaldehyde, sodium hydroxymethylglycine, nitromusk, and polycyclic musk.

2) Quaternary ammonium salt

Non biodegradable quaternary ammonium salts shall not be used, whether as part of the formula or as a mixture in the formula.

3) Harmful substances and mixtures

According to (EC) No 66/2010, hazardous substances specified in Article 57 of (EC) No 1272/2008 (CLP Directive) and (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH Regulation) shall not be used in hand washing detergents (information on hazardous substances can be found in Table 1 of the EU Revised Lubricant Eco Labeling Regulation), but some of these substances may be exempted if they comply with the provisions of Table 1.


Table 1 Hazardous substances and mixtures eligible for exemption

Surfactant   concentration<25%

H400 is highly   toxic to aquatic organisms



H412 Long term   continuous use is harmful to aquatic organisms



H334 Inhalation   may cause allergies, asthma symptoms, or difficulty breathing



H317 may cause   allergic skin reactions


Nitrotriacetic   acid as an impurity in glycine diacetic acid

H351 suspected   to cause cancer


4) Substances of high concern listed in (EC) No 1907/2006

The concentration of substances of high concern as defined in Article 59 of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 shall not exceed 0.01%.

5) Fungicide

Fungicides can only be added to hand washing detergents for the purpose of product preservation, and there are certain usage limits. However, the fungicides referred to here do not include surfactants, although surfactants may also have bactericidal functions.

It is prohibited to claim that hand washing detergent products have antibacterial properties on their packaging or in any other form.

Fungicides belonging to the H410/R50-53 or H411/R51-53 class, whether used as part of a formula or as a mixture in a formula, have a potential bioaccumulation represented by log Pow or BCF when used for product preservation, with log Pow<3.0, BCF100。


4. Essence

1) No essence containing nitro musk and polycyclic musk is allowed in the product;

2) Any essence or spice added to the product shall be coded according to the coding rules of the International essence Association during production;

3) Essence contains substances belonging to H317/R43 and H334/R42, and the concentration of each substance shall not exceed 0.01%.


5. Corrosion performance

Detergent products cannot be classified as' corrosive 'Class C mixtures (causing severe skin burns upon contact) under Directive 1999/45/EC R34 or R35, or as' skin class 1' mixtures (causing skin allergies upon contact) under Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008.


6. Packaging requirements

1) The plastic material used for the main container should be marked on its packaging and packaging waste in accordance with Directive 94/62/EC or DIN 6120 and DIN 7728;

2) If the primary packaging material is recyclable, this information should be indicated according to the standard ISO 14021 "Environmental Labeling and Declarations - Self Declaration (Class II Environmental Labeling)";

3) Only phthalates that have undergone risk assessment and are not listed as substances under Article 3 (3) may be used in plastic packaging of products.

4) Weight to utility ratio (WUR)

For diluted detergents, the weight/utility ratio of their primary packaging shall not exceed 1.2g/L.


7. Reasonable use

The use of hand washing detergent products should be in accordance with their intended purpose.


8. Instructions for use

The packaging of hand washing detergent should display the following prompt information:

1) Do not rinse with running water, instead immerse the dish in water containing the recommended amount of detergent for cleaning;

2) Display the recommended amount of detergent in a prominent position on the product packaging and in a reasonable size. The unit of dosage is expressed in milliliters, and the detergent dosage for cleaning mild and severe dirt is given separately.

3) The approximate number of times each bottle of detergent can be used.


9. Ecological label information

The optional column of the ecological label should include the following content: Reduce the impact on aquatic ecosystems; Restricting harmful substances; Reduce packaging waste; Clear instructions for use.

The new ecological labeling regulation will replace Resolution 2005/342/EC. Hand washing detergent products that apply for eco labels before June 30, 2011 can comply with Resolution 2005/342/EC or this regulation. Hand washing detergents that have been granted the old ecological label can continue to be used by manufacturers for one year from the date of approval of this regulation.


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