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Cosmetics water quality testing

Water quality testing


The "Regulations for Cosmetics Production Enterprises" 2007 stipulate that the water quality of production water should meet the requirements of the national drinking water hygiene standard (GB5749-2006) (except for pH value). There are a total of 106 water quality indicators, including 6 microbiological indicators, 4 disinfectants for drinking water, 21 inorganic compounds in toxicological indicators, 53 organic compounds in toxicological indicators, 20 sensory and general physicochemical indicators, and 2 radioactive indicators.


The cosmetics GMPC and ISO 22716 also state that the water used in the production of cosmetics must meet drinking water standards.


In recent years, with the continuous emergence of new materials, products, technologies, and processes, the application of chemicals in industry has become increasingly common. At the same time, it has inevitably brought about some environmental and ecological safety issues. After many substances are discharged into water bodies, they pose a direct threat to human health due to their difficulty in degrading in the natural environment.


NormalTCI provides customers with high-quality water quality sampling and testing services. The laboratory strictly adheres to the technical specifications of ISO 17025 during operation, and the analytical methods mainly use Chinese national or industry standards, as well as internationally recognized analytical methods (such as the US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) standards and the US APHA "Water and Wastewater Inspection Standard Methods").


The water quality testing items include: heavy metals pH、 Chromaticity, suspended solids BOD5/CODCr Petroleum, animal and vegetable oils, volatile phenols, total cyanides, sulfides, ammonia nitrogen, fluorides, anionic surfactants, adsorbable organic halogens (AOX), fecal coliforms, total hardness (calculated as CaCO3), soluble total solids, permanganate index, nitrate, nitrite, etc.


Please consult NormalTCI for specific questions

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