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Government CoC

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C?te d'Ivoire COC

Signs New Contract with the Government of Ivory Coast to provide certification services in support of its new Verification of Conformity programme commencing 1st March 2018.

NormalTCI, a leading Total Quality Assurance provider to industries worldwide, has a new plan to support its new Verification of Conformity Programme and provide certification service to exporters to the Ivory Coast.

The VOC programme, which commences 1st March 2018, verifies the conformity of all regulated products in the respective exporting countries, ensuring they comply with applicable national, regional or international standards and technical regulations, protecting the health, safety and environment of the Ivory Coast’s citizens from sub standard imported goods giving them the total quality assurance they need.

Exporters will be required to provide a Certificate of Conformity for Customs clearance, obtainable from NormalTCI, and this will be compulsory.

All the information you need on how to apply for a Certificate of Conformity and the products that will be regulated from 1st March 2018 will be sent to you soon.


16/04/2018 (date of shipment)


-To ensure the quality of products as well as the health, safety and environmental protection of Cote d’Ivoire consumers.

-Protect the public against substandard products that can endanger public health, safety and the environment

-Protect local manufacturers against unfair competition from imported products which do not comply to local Standards


To assess that all regulated imported products do comply with approved National, Regional and International Standards and Cote d’Ivoire technical regulations. In case of lack of standard for any product, NormalTCI will use IFIA Code of Practice for Conformity assessment


Exporter submits to NormalTCI the following documents:

-Request for Certification (indicating the point of entry in Cote d’Ivoire)


-Quality Management System Certification

-Conformity Documents (test reports, quality certificates, analysis reports, etc.…)

-Final invoice.

To obtain evidence that all requirements are met in the applicable standards or technical requirements, goods must undergo one or a combination of the following verification process:

-Physical inspection

-Laboratory testing: Accepted laboratories are as follows:

- NormalTCI laboratories accredited to ISO/IEC 17025;

-Third party ISO/IEC 17025 accredited laboratory operating as per the ILAC guidelines;

Manufacturer’s laboratory complying with following requirements:

-To have recognized Quality Management System in place, such as ISO9001...etc.

-Manufacturer provides to NormalTCI a list of all its equipment and evidence of the last calibration records. The equipment suffices to perform the test required in the standard for the product.

-Factory audit

-Documentary verification

After verification process is completed and results are satisfactory, exporter will have to submit the Final Invoice for the issuance of the CoC.

For Air-Freight, courier and shipments from nearby countries CoC is to be issued on PROFORMA Invoice basis.

Note: If the process is initiated by the importer with the RFC, NormalTCI Liaison Office in Cote d’Ivoire will transmit all the submitted documents to the corresponding Affiliate at the country of Supply for them to contact and coordinate the intervention with exporter and request for missing documents


Three methods are proposed to the exporters to demonstrate the compliance of their products and obtain a Certificate of Conformity (CoC)

-ROUTE A: applicable to any goods, sensitive goods and any trader

-ROUTE B: Recommended for frequent exporter with homogeneous products

-ROUTE C: For Certified products



a. ISO 17025 accredited NormalTCI Laboratories

b. ISO 17025 accredited laboratory for the specific product

c. A laboratory of any of the approved IVCP Service providers.


- A Certificate of Conformity (CoC) is the document issued to demonstrate the compliance of the shipment to the   relevant approved standards.

- This document is required for Customs clearance.

Goods arriving to Cote d’Ivoire without the corresponding CoC will not be allowed to enter to the country nor cleared and will be subject to a fine of 50% of the CIF value.

It is the seller’s responsibility to ensure that shipments to Cote d’Ivoire are inspected and Verification of Conformity Process is done and certification decision by SGS has been confirmed.


If the reports from the verification activities such as testing or inspection show discrepancies versus the standard requirements, exporters will be informed accordingly and given sufficient time to make the necessary corrections; if those are not or cannot be made a “Non-Conformity Report” (NCR) will be issued. This implies that that goods are not allowed to be shipped into Cote d’Ivoire


All imports with a limited shelf life shall have more than fifty per cent (50%) shelf life from the date of expected landing in Cote d’Ivoire Products: Required to have at least 50% shelf life upon arrival in Cote d’Ivoire

10.FEES Fees are payable in advance by the exporter. Fees are net of any tax and are payable upon reception of the Request of Certification (RFC).

Fees are due regardless of whether after assessment of the goods of the exporter or importer does not provide the information or document necessary for the final issuance of the CoC, or for any other reasons does proceed to the shipment of the goods

Route A

- Ad Valorem fee of 0.45% of the FOB Value of the goods imported

- Minimum fee per shipment XOF 100000 (152.45 Euros; One hundred fifty-two Euros and Forty-five cents)

- Maximum fee per shipment N/A

Route B

- Ad Valorem fee of 0.40% of the FOB Value of the goods imported

- Ad Valorem fee of 0.40% of the FOB Value of the goods imported

- Maximum fee per shipment N/A

Route C

- Ad Valorem fee of 0.30% of the FOB Value of the goods imported

- Minimum fee per shipment XOF 80000 (121.96 Euros; One hundred Twenty-One Euros and Ninety-six cents)

- Minimum fee per shipment XOF 80000 (121.96 Euros; One hundred Twenty-One Euros and Ninety-six cents)


Products listed below are excluded from the Inspection and Verification of Conformity program and do not require a Certificate of Conformity CoC:

- Gold and other precious metals

- Precious stones

- Explosives, weapons, ammunition and other war material intended for the national armed forces and to the police force

- Live animals

- Fresh Fish, vegetables and fruit

- Plants and floricultural products

- Impressed and developed cinematographic films

- Newspapers and periodicals, stamps items or tax, stamp paper, banknotes, check books, passports

- Personal effects and used household objects

- Used cars

- Postal Parcels

- Raw or partially refined oil

- Commercial samples

- Supplies to the diplomatic and consular missions or international organizations, imported for their own needs/use

- Imported goods and equipment for oil and mining operations

- Imports related to free regimes

- Raw products and traditional handicraft of community origin

Note: This list of products can be changed by the Ministry of trade when necessary


Please consult NormalTCI for specific questions

National service hotline: 400-6177-880



Tell:+86-571-28906690  E-mail:service@normaltci.com  Service Hotline:400-6177-880  Fax:+86-571-28867000

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