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Foreign media said that climate change is leading to the location of the North Pole shift, the reason is that the melting of the glaciers and ice caps minute changes in the earth's rotation. The findings suggest that monitoring the location of the North Pole can become the new tools for tracking global warming.

According to England "new scientist magazine website on December 13, the computer simulation shows that the melting and the resulting rise in sea level may affect the mass distribution of the surface of the earth. This, in turn, will lead to shift the earth's axis of rotation, through to the polar position measurements, confirmed the effect.

Now, Chen at the university of Texas, and his colleagues proved that melting ice is due to human emissions of greenhouse gases in the earth's rotation offset play a role.

Report points out that the motion of the earth's spin axis is the result of two factors together, the two factors all have their own reasons. Called the chandler wobble, the scientific community that appear this kind of swinging is because the earth's rotation is not static; Another factor is the swing every year, it has to do with the earth's orbit around the sun.

In addition to these swing, there is another signal. Every year since 1899 since the observation, the arctic along the line throughout the eastern part of Canada west longitude 70 degrees south migration 10 centimeters.

This shift is occurred in the earth's crust after the ice age rebound, due to the change and cause the earth's mass distribution. But Chen led the research team found some surprising things. In 2005, the southward migration of the momentum of sudden change. Arctic began to move to the east, and it is the continuation of this trend, since 2005, has been offset by about 1.2 meters.

In order to find out why the arctic changes direction, the team used data from NASA and GRACE, the satellite was measured by the earth gravity field changes over time. These data allows them to distribution to calculate again the quality of the surface of the earth. Results with the average of the observed position change there are very closely related.

Chen said: "the ice melted and the sea level changes could explain ninety percent of the eastward migration. All of a sudden this change is the driving force of climate change."

The quality of the team to calculate the largest redistribution from the melting of the Greenland ice sheet, losing about 250 billion tons of ice. Another important factor is the melting of mountain glaciers, ice reached 194 billion tons per year in lost. Antarctica ice amounted to 180 billion tons per year in lost, but there are a lot of uncertainty, as compared to other regions, in the gravity field change caused by crustal rebound in Antarctica is not so easy to manage.

Chen said, due to the use of a variety of independent technology can accurately measure the average, can measure according to the average pole position and offset the melting, especially after he served at the end of the ageing of GRACE satellites, and used to measure the gravitational field of a new generation of satellite launch before.

Did not participate in the study of NASA's jet propulsion laboratory in Joan dickie agrees, she said: "continue to measure average deviation occur than ever before, this is a kind of monitoring method of climate change."

From: reference news network


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