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Industry Dynamics

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The 2013-05-30

Released recently, the European commission proposal, suggest to modify the current all official control the regulation of food and agriculture industry legislation. The plan may affect all involved in production, manufacture, supply and supervision of food, feed, live animals, plants, and plant breeding materials.

The European commission's goal is to make sure in the food and agriculture areas to form a more consistent state control method, such as examination and approval. The changes are also established in eu member countries to support a more sustainable and effective control of the system.

As part of the scope of the UK food industry project, the food safety authority (FSA) has been undertaken to stakeholder consultation, at the same time by enforcement departments to collect relevant revisions may be the potential impact of opinion. The measures will reduce legislation from nearly 70 to 5 units.

In the proposal is the development of great significance for the official control change in the way.

Currently, the main capital and charge system of decision-making in the eu member states. According to the commission proposed plan, member countries is expected to recover the full cost of the official control.

Affected by the mandatory charges, the control quantity there will be a large increase. Commission proposal including cost and micro enterprise mandatory saving measures in detail. Miniature enterprise refers to fewer than 10 employees, annual turnover of less than 2 million euros.

According to this revision, the import of plant, animal, feed and food chain control procedures and management will be simplified and unified.

About the government and local authorities can provide to the enterprise and the public of the official control the level of information laws and regulations have been put forward. (reproduced)


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