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Safety experiment:

1. The working voltage

2. The fault test

3. The impact experiments

4. Vibration experiments

5. Impact test

6. Clearance and creepage distance and insulation penetration distance

7. Plug the

8. To protect the connection conductor resistance

9. The external wire terminals

10. The power cord stress relief test

11. Electrical connections and fixed test

12. The leakage test

13. Can contact resistance test

14. The energy risk inspection

15. Limit power test

16. The safety interlock testing

17. Printed circuit board test

18. The power case

19. The packaging and sealing parts inspection

20. The external force test 21. Building (on) electrical equipment

22. The shock test

23. The dielectric strength test

24. The label inspection and test

25. The radiation test

26. The heating test

27. SELV test

28 TNV test

29. The current limiting circuit experiment

30. Overload test

31. Manual device test

32. The battery explosion proof test

33. The overflow test

34. Combustible experiment

35. The fire test

36. The adhesive test

37. D card test

38. The waterproof test

Electromagnetic compatibility experiments:

1. The conduction disturbance voltage

2. The radiation field intensity

3. The interference power

4. The antenna terminal disturbance call

5. Harmonic current

6. Voltage fluctuations

7. Radio frequency interference voltage

8. Low frequency magnetic field

High frequency magnetic field 9.

11. 10. Continuous interference of electrostatic

12. Transient pulse

13. Radio frequency continuous wave

14. Continuous wave conduction interference

15. Workers hired magnetic field

16. The pulse

17. The power supply voltage transient


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