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Dear customer:

A: hello!

Thank you very much for the mo 2014 to conduct customer satisfaction survey!

Carried out the survey involved, not all the testing, calibration, and other fields, and the country more than 40 service area, effective sample received

4688 copies, more can objectively reflect the service quality.

2014 annual customer satisfaction survey results are as follows:

1. The north's overall customer satisfaction was 90.59%, than 2013 improved;

2. Customer satisfaction results of overall evaluation "mo" is 90.76%, and statistics of basic consistent overall customer satisfaction;

3. The customer to choose again, not a 91.28% chance of cooperation, recommend to others, the possibility of mo 91.11%;

The above data can be seen that customer's mo have higher loyalty.

Customer satisfaction survey results are one of the important input of continuous improvement, the survey, customer feedback and advice to more than 3000

, mainly concentrated in the "customer service", "technical services", etc., in view of the customer feedback opinion and the suggestion, mo area all over the country, each

Functions of the lab and will take the corresponding improvement measures in 2015.

Continuous improvement is carnot's eternal goal! Welcome you to give us more opinions and Suggestions, we would appreciate!

If you are in the cooperation with Mr Mo, for we have not satisfied with the service, welcome you at any time through the following ways to communicate with us, we are

Will be trying to solve the problem for you, for your satisfaction.

Telephone: + 86-571-28906690

Email address: service@normaltci.com

Once again thank you for your noble's long-term attention and support! Also hope you can continue for the next customer satisfaction survey.

Hangzhou mo detection technology co., LTD

In March 2015,


Tell:+86-571-28906690  E-mail:service@normaltci.com  Service Hotline:400-6177-880  Fax:+86-571-28867000

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